"The Bathers", Paul Cezanne, 1899-1904

Paul Cezanne (French, 1839-1906)

Oil on canvas, 51.3 × 61.7 cm. Amy McCormick Memorial Collection.


Through his studies of groups of bathers outdoors, Paul Cézanne reconceived a classical subject in a modern, pictorial idiom. Though clearly related, The Bathers is not a study for either of the monumental canvases of bather subjects that the artist left unfinished at his death; rather, it is an independent, exploratory work painted with a more spritely touch. For all its compositional complexity, it retains the lightness of a watercolor, with thin parallel strokes and dashes and areas of white-primed canvas showing through the paint.
-The Art Institute of Chicago


Source and download: https://www.artic.edu/artworks/45240/the-bathers


"Caryatid", Amedeo Modigliani, c. 1913


"Arlésiennes" (Mistral), Paul Gauguin
, 1888